Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Yeah, Well, You Know, That’s Just, Like, Your Opinion, Man: Poltical Correctness is Ruining Our Society


DISCLAIMER: Yeah, Well, You Know, That’s Just, Like, Your Opinion, Man is going to become a mini-political series on my blog. It’ll be where I give my two cents on the current political issues. The name is actually inspired by one of The Dude’s best and most famous lines from The Big Lebowski (It’s actually a really good movie if you haven’t seen it already). Its meant to be slightly sarcastic (for those of you who are wondering).

Before we get this shit show on the road, I think it's a good idea to get a definition of political correctness. So the definition we are working with is, “the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against”. I also want to add that political correctness is a way of binding people from speaking their minds. To me, being politically correct is not speaking against the social norm.

Alright, so here's the deal.I gotta say what I gotta say before the commies take me to the Gulag. I find that many people like to use political correctness as a weapon. Now don't get me wrong, I DO believe that we have to watch what we say. We must be sensitive about what we are saying AND to whom we are saying it to, but that does not mean that we can not speak our minds, and speak the truth when the truth needs to be spoken. It is actually our right to do so! Just look at the the Constitution if you are American and look at the Bill of Rights if you are Canadian.

The liberal media is slowly trying to take away freedom of speech. If you speak against the beliefs of the liberal, left wing media, you are automatically a “bigot”, you are automatically “racist”, and somehow you're a “fascist”. How does that work? I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. You see, I am a libertarian, and I look at both sides of the argument before I choose a side. Do I tend to lean towards the right side of the spectrum? You could say so. But does that make me a bad person? According to the liberals, it does. Why so? It's probably because I don't agree with the left wing view. Isn't that kind of fascist? Apparently not. Isn't that our right have our own opinion? To me, political correctness is society's biggest problem to date. I feel that political correctness is ruining society as we know it! And if you think it isn't true, WAKE UP PEOPLE BECAUSE IT'S NOT JUST TRUE, ITS DAMN TRUE!

Now let me explain. I'm not going to be a fear mongering blogger. That's not my gig, I'm not here to scare you guys. I just feel like speaking the truth here. The liberal, left wing media, funded by the globalists who want to one day create a society ruled by the elites, are trying to divide us as a whole, and they use political correctness to do so. They are trying to take away our freedom of speech. Political correctness is almost like a form of control. If you are not politically correct, you are automatically not credible or intellectual enough to comment on certain topics. And if you try to, somehow you will be censored. Your opinion no longer matter. You are a nobody. There are various ways for that to happen, but for the sake of time, I'm not going to explain them. But I will say this, don't always believe what the mainstream media tells you about individuals they do not like. Do the research for yourself, then if you want, pass judgement.

Now I am going to be straight up, everyone has the right to speak freely. So if a guy like Pastor Greg Locke wants to take a stand against the LGBTQ community and say what they stand for is unholy based on his religious beliefs, he should be allowed to. And if the LGBTQ community wants to respond to him, they should be allowed to. No questions asked. Now I'm not endorsing what Pastor Greg Locke said, but I don't think it's right that he should be censored for sharing his opinion. Regardless if it's politically correct or not. For the love of all things good, the man is a devoted Christian, he is a Republican, and he's a straight shooter. Honestly, what do you think the guy is going to say? “I love gays. God loves gays. If you want to play for the same team, golly gee Geoff can help Jack off the horse anytime! I don't give two flying fucks!” No, you brainwashed peasants, he is going to preach against homosexuality. Why would you expect any differently? It's his right to speak his mind. It's not like the guy is trying to spread hatred, he loves everybody, but he has a strong moral stance against homosexuality. What does Facebook and the mainstream liberal media do? They paint Pastor Greg Locke out to be an non-politically correct redneck bible thumper. The media tries to discredit the guy. They take away his freedom of speech by using political correctness as a weapon. Just because he's Christian and he has an opinion that the vast majority of mainstream Christian's share, he's a bigot. And God forgive if he speaks out against the liberals, because if he does they'll find a way to call him racist or an “alt-righter”. That is the problem with political correctness.

Now this is where it gets interesting. If you give a guy like Pastor Greg Locke the right to speak about his feelings against the LGBTQ community, you have to let the white supremacists speak their mind against the African-American population. Do I agree with that? No, anytime you can silence hate, the instinctual thing to do is to silence it, but in this situation you can not do such a thing. And if you try to, bad things WILL happen. Especially if you let one group speak their opinions, while you silence the other group. It doesn't take rocket appliances to figure that out. Just look at the Charlottesville riots that happened this past weekend.

Now that brings me to the Charlottesville, Virginia riots. What happened there, you might ask? The right wing organized a peaceful assembly. The organizers obtained a permit to assemble. Wes Bellamy, the Vice-Mayor of Charlottesville, illegally revoked the permit for this event. The ACLU sued Charlottesville for violating the First Amendment, and the permit was reinstated. A half hour before the rally even began, a heavily militarized police force illegally shut down the event with physical force. While evacuating, many protesters were illegally assaulted as the police stood by and did nothing, because they were told by the mayor to stand down and let the event unfold, let it turn into a riot. So before you know it, a man drove his car straight into a crowd of people, killing at least one. The state of Virginia declared a state of emergency. The liberal media intentionally portrayed this as if the protesters were the perpetrators of the violence, rather than the victims, despite heavy video evidence to the contrary. Many different organizations and people are threatening to sue the city, and honestly, they should.

Now I know most of these right wingers were white supremacists, and I know everybody thinks they were looking for trouble. Honestly, I doubt they were. The only reason why they were assembling was to protest the removal of the statute of Confederate General, Robert E. Lee. When the Vice-Mayor tried to put an unlawful stop to the protests, he infuriated the right, and to add in the police doing what they did, and the left wing protesters provoking them, no matter who you side with, you have to know something is going to happen! Of course, there's going to be a riot. You're basically saying to these right wingers that the left is better then them and that the right’s opinion is insignificant. We're going to take down your statute and we're going to belittle you all at the same time. That is going to ruffle some feathers. No, I'm not trying to defend the white supremacists. Hate has no place in this world. Their views are outdated and inaccurate. But, honestly, what in the fuck do you expect them to do? Sit there and take it? Take it from the minority groups they despise? If you do, you have got another thing coming.

Now the thing that really grinds my gears about the Charlottesville riots is how the mainstream media picked on Donald Trump for his statement following the incident. I think it's pretty ridiculous how much they analyzed his statement. He said everything he should have said. Honestly, Trump said it like it was. He condemned hatred, not just from the right-winged white supremacists, but also from the left-wing protesters. Of course, he's not going to call out the white supremacists solely. They voted for him. For Pete sakes, David Duke, former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed Trump. What do you want Trump to do? Say thanks for the vote, but spit in their faces? Where's the logic? Trump came out in his first statement and said everything right! What more do you want? Oh yeah, the liberals wanted him to call out the white supremacists. And yesterday (Monday) they got their wish! Did I like that he went out and did that? Hell no, but just goes to show how powerful of a weapon political correctness is for the left. It's actually pretty scary if you think about it. The President of the United States had to succumb to it! Thought control is real, don't kid yourselves!

I also think it's pretty concerning that the mainstream media is spending more time covering the president’s comments on the Charlottesville riots rather than other things… like let's say the potential of NORTH KOREA NUKING GUAM WITH NUCLEAR MISSILES AND STARTING WORLD WAR lll. To me, that's much more newsworthy than the comments that Donald Trump made on Charlottesville. For Pete sakes, the media analyzed the comments like sports newscasters would analyze a blockbuster trade. It's silly, to me, that people are actually thinking this is more newsworthy than a potential pending war with North Korea!

And the fact that the mainstream media is criticizing Donald Trump for standing up against Kim Jong Un and threatening him is beyond me. I get it, people don't want to go to war. They rather avoid that, but Kim Jong Un is a bat shit crazy dictator that has no regard for his actions. If he doesn't get threatened, odds are he'll try something. That's why I think it's the president’s job to say something! To speak up and call Kim Jong Un on his bluff. And look, it actually payed off. Kim Jong Un backed down. What can the liberal media say about that one, because it looks like Trump’s bold move paid off cotton! As Conor McGregor would say, “He {in this case, Kim Jong Un} ain't gunna do shit!

So to finish this off I just want to say this. Political correctness is a cancer. It takes away our ability to think freely. Political correctness takes away our ability to have our own values and morals. It cripples us to the point where we just believe whatever we're told. I think there's some logic behind saying “1984 is here!” The establishment is taking down statutes, and trying to alter the brainwashed people's perception of the past. The media is trying to provoke thought control. If you speak out against something, you'll be billed as a bigot. It's saddening to see this happening because political correctness is discouraging the idea of thinking freely. It seems like there are less and less free thinkers in this world. More people are opinionated rather than informed. That is a true travesty. I think JFK said it best, “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” And that is why I think political correctness needs to take a hike. The people need to take a stand and say no to being politically correct and start saying yes to seeking the right answer over the popular one. It's time to say, “This is the end for you my friend!”

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