DISCLAIMER: This is an editorial I wrote in my creative writing class. This isn't 100% my opinion. I am writing it in the voice of Alex Jones. If you don't know who he is, check him out here. The goal was to make this editorial as in-depth as possible. Due to time restrictions I didn't get to cover as many things as I wanted to. Either way, I thought you guys and gals would find it to be rather interesting. So that's why I'm posting this. By the way, if this sounds like a rant, I did my job right, because I was trying to replicate Alex Jones' ranting talents to the best of my abilities. As always, I encourage my readers to seek the truth for themselves. Hope you enjoy this circus of an editorial! Oh yeah, don't worry, you won't have to put up with Super Male Vitality Nutrients ads. :)
What makes a person human? Is it their will to fight for what is right? Is it having dreams about the future? Having hopes for their future selves? Is it their individuality? Is it their free will? Is it their ability to be able to tell right from wrong? To have a consciousness; something only humans have? Is it their ability to create art, music, and literature? I’m pretty sure a dummy would say, ‘if it can live freely, think freely, and act freely, it definitely must be human’. So I guess, in a nutshell, that is what makes a person human. The next question would probably be something like, isn’t being a human so great? To that I’d probably answer, you're damn right it is!
But what if I told you that there is a small group of rich, elite people called globalists, mostly made of bankers and politicians, that want to get rid of human free will, human individuality, and at some point, create a human-robot hybrid? What if I told you that these globalist elites want to depopulate you, that they want to get rid of the middle-class, and create a global society, in which there is only two classes; a very poor, dependent lower class, and a very elite, rich, and powerful higher class? This so called ‘society’ would be ruled by one government, one leader, have one currency, and one religion. And what if I told you that, as of now, these globalist elites are already putting the pieces of the puzzle together to create a One World Government, a New World Order?
No, you left wing knuckleheads that think the New World Order is just a conspiracy theory made up by some nut job that has too much time on his hands, we are not talking about the wrestling faction, and we are most certainly not talking about THE WRESTLER TURNED SEX TAPE STAR HULK HOGAN! The problem is the general populous, yes you, are brainwashed to the point that you would not know the truth if it stared you right in the eyes! You see, government institutions aren’t actually meant to 'help the people'. Yes, for the most part they're billed to do just that, but that's nonsense, it's doublethink. What is doublethink, you ask? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as, “the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.” The New World Order wants nothing to do with the general public, they want nothing to do with you.
As a society our core rights are based on that of the US Constitution! Now the government wants to take away your rights! The government wants to take away your guns, the government wants to take away your right to privacy with legislation like The Patriots Act (we’ll get into that later), and the government wants to take away your freedom of speech with ‘political correctness’! People, the New World Order is real and they are not joking around! As the famous quote from George Orwell's masterpiece of a book states, "He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." That is why I'm here to tell you why the New World Order is real. I'm here to tell you how they operate on lies and deceptions. I'm here to tell you how they use false flag terror attacks to start foreign and domestic wars. I'm here to tell you how you are a slave to the major corporations and the Federal Reserve. I'm the whistle blower! I'm the patriot! I'm the libertarian! I want freedom and I want to take these globalists down! I want to awaken the public! I want to open up the public’s eyes! We are bigger than you, New World Order! We can beat you, New World Order! And I’m here to tell you that!
But first, we oughta look at the opposite side of the argument, so shall we? You might ask why would our elected government officials want to do such a thing to their voters? Honestly, that is a real good question, if you think about it. It's not like the general public is guilty of some vicious war crime or defrauding the government or something of that nature. For the vast majority of society, the people are good, law abiding citizens that want nothing more than to see their country and the people within it prosper. The public wants to see their country be the best it can be. Another argument against the New World Order is that there is no proof of the organization. Its paranoia, nothing more than that! Left wingers will make the case that 'Oh globalism is so good, and there’s no way it can be bad. The war on drugs is necessary. There are no GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in our food. Chemtrails are a host, get over it all ready. The Earth is flat! The CIA does not help radicalize men to go fight for ISIS and Al-Qaeda in the Jihad! The federal reserve was needed. And there’s most certainly nothing going on at Area 51. It's all lies and deceptions made to create a false narrative. Nothing. More. To. It.' The globalists brainwash us into believing this nonsense. We rather know who Khloe Kardashian is dating rather than the state of our own government! 'But oh the New World Order isn't real! You're just crazy! Stop while you're ahead! You’re fake news. You have no credibility! You’re just a lost cause!’ I got news for you, globalists! We’re here and we’re winning this fight! You know that and you can’t stand itt! That is why you ridicule us. That is why you constantly try to spin our narratives to make us look like the ignorant, racist, sexist, insensitive bigots to the ones that are still brainwashed by your bull crap lies and deceptions!
Okay, just to make sure we're all on the same page here - the New World Order is real. Alright now that we're on the same page, let's talk about its origins. In a nutshell, the New World Order was started by members from various secret societies including the Skull and Bones, various Luciferian worship groups, and the Illuminati. Most of these guys like the Rockefeller and Rothschild families are powerful bankers that want to centralize banks in every country, so they can generate interest off every dollar printed. By doing so, they are basically putting that country in debt, and forcing them to tax the people, and in turn, put the people in debt. A prime example of that would be The Federal Reserve Act in the United States of America. In a nutshell, what the Federal Reserve is a central bank to the US. The Federal Reserve basically makes it so everyone and every bank in America gets their money through that centralized bank. For every dollar they take, a certain amount of interest is generated on the dollar and is usually paid off via a federal tax or something along those lines. Since the government is in debt to people like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, who fund the Federal Reserve, these nut jobs that believe in creating a New World Order, get a lot of say in the country’s political affairs. These guys own the mainstream media, and they control society in more ways than you could possibly imagine. They control the narrative. They tell you what they want you to think is real and what they want you to think is fake. These people are often referred to as the Shadow Government. They meet in secrecy, they act in secrecy, and they rule in secrecy - until now.
But what if I told you that there is a small group of rich, elite people called globalists, mostly made of bankers and politicians, that want to get rid of human free will, human individuality, and at some point, create a human-robot hybrid? What if I told you that these globalist elites want to depopulate you, that they want to get rid of the middle-class, and create a global society, in which there is only two classes; a very poor, dependent lower class, and a very elite, rich, and powerful higher class? This so called ‘society’ would be ruled by one government, one leader, have one currency, and one religion. And what if I told you that, as of now, these globalist elites are already putting the pieces of the puzzle together to create a One World Government, a New World Order?
No, you left wing knuckleheads that think the New World Order is just a conspiracy theory made up by some nut job that has too much time on his hands, we are not talking about the wrestling faction, and we are most certainly not talking about THE WRESTLER TURNED SEX TAPE STAR HULK HOGAN! The problem is the general populous, yes you, are brainwashed to the point that you would not know the truth if it stared you right in the eyes! You see, government institutions aren’t actually meant to 'help the people'. Yes, for the most part they're billed to do just that, but that's nonsense, it's doublethink. What is doublethink, you ask? The Oxford Dictionary defines it as, “the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.” The New World Order wants nothing to do with the general public, they want nothing to do with you.
As a society our core rights are based on that of the US Constitution! Now the government wants to take away your rights! The government wants to take away your guns, the government wants to take away your right to privacy with legislation like The Patriots Act (we’ll get into that later), and the government wants to take away your freedom of speech with ‘political correctness’! People, the New World Order is real and they are not joking around! As the famous quote from George Orwell's masterpiece of a book states, "He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." That is why I'm here to tell you why the New World Order is real. I'm here to tell you how they operate on lies and deceptions. I'm here to tell you how they use false flag terror attacks to start foreign and domestic wars. I'm here to tell you how you are a slave to the major corporations and the Federal Reserve. I'm the whistle blower! I'm the patriot! I'm the libertarian! I want freedom and I want to take these globalists down! I want to awaken the public! I want to open up the public’s eyes! We are bigger than you, New World Order! We can beat you, New World Order! And I’m here to tell you that!
But first, we oughta look at the opposite side of the argument, so shall we? You might ask why would our elected government officials want to do such a thing to their voters? Honestly, that is a real good question, if you think about it. It's not like the general public is guilty of some vicious war crime or defrauding the government or something of that nature. For the vast majority of society, the people are good, law abiding citizens that want nothing more than to see their country and the people within it prosper. The public wants to see their country be the best it can be. Another argument against the New World Order is that there is no proof of the organization. Its paranoia, nothing more than that! Left wingers will make the case that 'Oh globalism is so good, and there’s no way it can be bad. The war on drugs is necessary. There are no GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in our food. Chemtrails are a host, get over it all ready. The Earth is flat! The CIA does not help radicalize men to go fight for ISIS and Al-Qaeda in the Jihad! The federal reserve was needed. And there’s most certainly nothing going on at Area 51. It's all lies and deceptions made to create a false narrative. Nothing. More. To. It.' The globalists brainwash us into believing this nonsense. We rather know who Khloe Kardashian is dating rather than the state of our own government! 'But oh the New World Order isn't real! You're just crazy! Stop while you're ahead! You’re fake news. You have no credibility! You’re just a lost cause!’ I got news for you, globalists! We’re here and we’re winning this fight! You know that and you can’t stand itt! That is why you ridicule us. That is why you constantly try to spin our narratives to make us look like the ignorant, racist, sexist, insensitive bigots to the ones that are still brainwashed by your bull crap lies and deceptions!
Okay, just to make sure we're all on the same page here - the New World Order is real. Alright now that we're on the same page, let's talk about its origins. In a nutshell, the New World Order was started by members from various secret societies including the Skull and Bones, various Luciferian worship groups, and the Illuminati. Most of these guys like the Rockefeller and Rothschild families are powerful bankers that want to centralize banks in every country, so they can generate interest off every dollar printed. By doing so, they are basically putting that country in debt, and forcing them to tax the people, and in turn, put the people in debt. A prime example of that would be The Federal Reserve Act in the United States of America. In a nutshell, what the Federal Reserve is a central bank to the US. The Federal Reserve basically makes it so everyone and every bank in America gets their money through that centralized bank. For every dollar they take, a certain amount of interest is generated on the dollar and is usually paid off via a federal tax or something along those lines. Since the government is in debt to people like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, who fund the Federal Reserve, these nut jobs that believe in creating a New World Order, get a lot of say in the country’s political affairs. These guys own the mainstream media, and they control society in more ways than you could possibly imagine. They control the narrative. They tell you what they want you to think is real and what they want you to think is fake. These people are often referred to as the Shadow Government. They meet in secrecy, they act in secrecy, and they rule in secrecy - until now.
These powerful bankers and so on align themselves with powerful politicians to maintain control of the state. Since they do that, elections are usually ‘rigged’ in sense that a winner has already been predetermined and the government just lets the public vote so they feel like they are free and living in a democratic society. In other words, to give the public false hope, and a false reality. Sometimes things don’t always go according to plan for the New World Order. That can be shown in the 2000 US Presidential Election between Democratic nominee Al Gore and Republican nominee George W. Bush. The election was the closes one in history, and both nominees ordered the recounting of votes in key counties in Southern Florida. Long story short, Bush won Florida and won the election, but since there were rumblings that if the government used a different legal vote recounting method, Al Gore could have won the election. This sparked up many conspiracies, and of course, some of the woken people figured out that George W. Bush was nothing more than the New World Order’s new henchman. Of course, this election raised the question, ‘Who really is calling the shots?’ Helping shine new light on the NWO’s plans for a One World Government.
One of the biggest things about the New World Order is their love for war. It is a well known fact that wars make people money. Many of the higher up business men and women in our society make plenty of money off the war, selling guns, weapons, and supplies. The longer a war goes on, the more money these globalists make. Since the vast majority of the American public and abroad, are not for war and are against it at all costs, the government has a hard time convincing the public and Congress to get involved in wars. As anyone that has been in a history class knows, for a country like the United States to get involved in a war, there has to be some sort of spark. That is where a ‘false flag operation’ also known as ‘false flag terrorism’, comes into the equation. According to, “‘False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counterinsurgency operations, and have been used in peacetime; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension.” There are many false flag operations and let me name two. The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. Criminal elements of the US government planned these attacks. In the case of the 1993 World Trade Centre bombings, the CIA actually helped fund the bombing! US Intelligence knew that Ramzi Yousef wanted some sort of revenge against the US government for their role in aiding the Israelis against the Palestinians. So the US government gave him and his six other accomplices the ‘know how’ on how to build explosive devices, and on top of all of that, the US government also gave them the tools to pull off this bombing successfully. The evidence does not lie, folks.
Now let's talk about 9/11. A false flag terror attack carried out by the US government with the help of the Saudi Arabians to gain more access to oil in the Middle East (mainly Afghanistan). It also helped to create a Police State in the US, where Congress can bring in such legislation like The Patriot Act, which basically declares martial law, gives the State a right to search you or your home WITHOUT a probable cause or warrant, to detain you WITHOUT a probable cause, and allows the government to tap into your phone conversations, your banking records and more, without a warrant, just because of the fear of another terror attack. Now those in the know have to believe something was up on September 11, 2001. First off, the US Army was doing a drill that focused on what to do during and after a terror attack, so in a way, when things were starting to go down, the Army and first responders thought it was a drill. For the longest time these first responders did not know there was an actual terror attack about to happen, so there was no way of them stopping it. When the first plane hit the Twin Towers, that’s when these first responders knew it was the real thing. Isn’t that a coincidence? Some may ask, where was the President George W. Bush during this time? At a preschool reading children’s books to the kids, just having a jolly ole time! When his Secret Service agent tells him of the first plane hitting the Twin Towers, what does George W. Bush do? Keeps reading books to the children! No, no, he doesn’t have to go back to the White House to go to the command room to try to put a stop to these attacks. ‘He was too far away from the White House’. How convenient that has to be for the domestic terrorists, the US government? ‘Oh no big deal, just a couple of planes hitting the Twin Towers’, said no one ever, but yet that’s how George W. Bush played it. How ironic? Than to add insult to injury, The 9/11 Commission Report tried to say that jet fuel melted the steel metal beams in the Twin Towers, causing them to collapse. Well, I have news for you, globalists! Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel metal beams. It’s more like it was a planned demolition, but the establishment can’t afford to let the public know that. Oh they’ll call me crazy, but the facts are there, folks! 9/11 was an inside job!
On top of all this mayhem, one of the biggest weapons the New World Order has in their disposal is the mainstream media. It’s fair to say that the mainstream media has a big influence on the majority of the US public. With a lot of influence, means a lot of power. The mainstream media controls the narrative, which means they control the public’s perception of any type of event. It’s important to note that the entire mainstream media is owned by the people that basically own the central banks of the world, like the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers. Which means the mainstream media HAS AN AGENDA! The mainstream media has created false narratives and will continue to create them. You don’t have to look far to find that one out. For example, a young ‘nurse’ tells the media about the war crimes Saddam Hussein is committing in Iraq, killing babies in incubators. The mainstream media used this testimony and other ‘intelligence’ and said to the general public, ‘Saddam has weapons of mass destruction! We got to take him out!’ What happened there? Turns out number one, that ‘nurse’ was the daughter of a powerful Saudi Arabian, her testimony was written by a PR firm and she was coached on how to properly read the speech, and guess what, Saddam didn’t have WMDs and all was for not. Basically everything was staged. This type of plot line keeps playing out over time. ‘Obama Care won’t raise insurance premiums’, ‘Hillary Clinton isn’t a war criminal’, ‘Donald Trump won’t be president’, ‘could Donald Trump be a Russian agent’, and on and on it goes. Thought control is real. The mainstream media is either doing one of these two things, avoiding the topic or bending the truth. The mainstream media is so arrogant and they know the public will buy it, or at least that’s what they think. But with the rise of the independent media, the public is starting to embrace different perspectives, and starting to rid themselves of the thought controlling mainstream media. That is why it is important to acknowledge there is a war on information. It is the ‘infowars’.
Folks, the New World Order is real! That can be shown through their lies and manipulations of the public. The way they tie you down by making you a corporate slave. Their false flag terror attacks. The way the inform the public via the corrupt mainstream media, yeah the media that has started many of the world’s biggest wars. Folks, not all things are bad. There are still great people in this world that believe in the Constitution, that want prosperity for all, that are libertarians, and truth seekers. Call me crazy, but I don’t want my children and grandchildren to live in a society where they are corporate slaves and are brainwashed by the mainstream media. Ladies and gentlemen, the republic is not lost! Yes, 1984 is here, but we are the resistance! It doesn’t take much to bring these evil globalists tyrants down! Spread the message about the New World Order, don’t buy into the mainstream media’s lies and deceptions, make your voice heard, and good God almighty, speak against political correctness! We can take the power back! As Malcolm X once said, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today!” Just remember, folks… hope is not lost… YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!
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